National Day of Prayer

Save the Date!  Join us on May 1, 2025 for National Day of Prayer right here in Currituck County.  More details coming soon!

National Day of Prayer Service 2024

Thank you for your hard work and heart work on our 2024 National Day of Prayer event. We are eternally grateful for the hours you contributed in planning, preparing, and praying for this event. Your participation was hugely instrumental in creating a canopy of prayer over our community and our nation on May 2nd!

This year, the prayer gathering at the County Courthouse was an added blessing for the participants and well-received by our commissioners and law enforcement. The participation of the Sheriff's Department color guard was also greatly appreciated.

I want to express my sincere gratitude for all of your consultation, commitment, and help. I'm looking forward to our continued collaboration at next year's event!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

 -Pastor Mark

National Day of Prayer is a coalition to promote prayer in our nation.  It is observed the first Thursday in May of each year.  New Life of Currituck is honored to play a part in joining this nationwide observance of prayer.   For more information on this nationwide event, visit